Into the Light

20 Oct
Cavern Cascades :: NY

Cavern Cascades :: NY

Because clearly, I don’t have enough waterfall photos in my portfolio yet….. 😉

This photo was taken almost 2 weeks back on a photo trip with Derek Kind (an awesome guy, who wrote a schnazzy review for our book), Ron Clifford and A.D. Wheeler to Watkins Glen in NY.  I had originally planned to drive up to the finger lakes and stay a night or two, to maximize my time with those guys (all incredible photographers, check ’em out) but two things happened.  First, I picked up an event photography gig the night I intended to leave.  Second, we had a family emergency involving broken bones and surgery (not my bones!) and I had to be home earlier than expected.  All told, I drove the 5 hours to upstate NY, and then 5 hours back on the same day.  Because landscape photographers are crazy.  And apparently, we also hate sleep.

Despite my extreme tiredness, we really had a great time creating together.  It was definitely worth the travel time.  When the idea of the trip first came up, I thought I would find some foliage shots.  Instead, I ended up creating black and white waterfall images. haha  Funny how life works out, sometimes, right?

Just going with the flow, I guess.  (Get it??  Waterfall….?  Flow….? Ha!)

Speaking of fall foliage, leaf season is just about done in northern New England, but we still have some rad colors in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and upper Pennsylvania.  If you’re looking for a private session over the next few weeks, to help you improve your fall foliage (or whatever) photos, contact me and we will set something up!

For those of you interested in such things, the settings for the photo above are: f/9, 2 seconds, iso 100, 22mm, with a circular polarizer

8 Responses to “Into the Light”

  1. mickey2travel October 20, 2015 at 2:36 pm #

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Please get some sleep! Ha ha!

    • seeingspotsphoto October 27, 2015 at 4:46 pm #

      I finally think I’ve caught up. haha Although I did take another sunrise trip this past weekend. *yawn*

  2. TPJ October 20, 2015 at 2:43 pm #

    Plans and photography. A contradiction 😉

  3. Megz October 20, 2015 at 7:17 pm #

    Gorges! It’s a great time of year to hit WG so you don’t get a bunch of tourists in your photos! I like how this isn’t the typical WG waterfall pic. Most people zoom in and shoot in color. The perspective and contrast really sets this apart.

    If you come up to the finger lakes again, have some free time, and want to shoot more waterfalls I recommend heading to Ithaca. Buttermilk Falls State Park has a grand set of falls right when you pull in. Taughannock Falls State Park has an easy walk (less than a mile) to the falls which rival Niagara Falls (US side) for vertical drop. Treman State Park has a beautiful gorge trail with lots of mini-falls and the impressive Lucifer Falls if you feel like a hike.

    • seeingspotsphoto October 27, 2015 at 4:47 pm #

      Thanks for the thoughtful feedback! 🙂

      I’ll have to check out Buttermilk! We did Treman on this trip (Lucifer Falls is in the works) and I’ve been to the Taughannock overlook, but never done the hike down yet. Is it difficult??

  4. Justin Avery November 13, 2015 at 2:00 pm #

    You can never have enough waterfall photos!

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