Tag Archives: eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse 2024

10 Apr

If you’ve seen a post about the eclipse, you’ve heard people describe it as incredible, amazing, and once-in-a-lifetime. If TikTok and instagram recipe videos have taught me anything, it’s to be skeptical of someone saying “AMAZZZZZIIINNNGG” on the internet….but in this case, everyone is right. The experience was a special moment, made more special by sharing it with family this time around. If you have the time, the means, and the ability to travel, I fully encourage you to travel to the path of totality for a solar eclipse. It was 100% worth the effort both times I’ve done it.

Solar Eclipse Totality 2017

24 Aug

Crepuscular :: TN

Crepuscular :: TN

How do you describe an indescribable experience? For a few moments yesterday, the mid day sky went dark, the temperature dropped and the people that had piled into Great Smoky National Park with us cheered in awe at the beauty of a rare phenomenon. Anyone who follows me knows the joy I get from these moments in nature, but it wasn’t just the eclipse that made my heart swell. It was made special no just by its rarity & beauty, but also by the fact that for those few hours leading up to the eclipse, everyone forgot their troubles, their politics, their hates and sadnesses, their biases, and we were just a group of friends yet to be made. (Except for that one guy who couldn’t park. Lol) People with cameras asked how to get photos. Neighbors shared their water and chatted. Everyone brought a smile or laugh to their respective conversations. And for those actual few moments of totality, you could feel the exhilaration as hundreds of people whooped and clapped together. To me, people coming together and sharing their excitement….that made this experience unforgettable.

This shot is just after totality, during the diamond ring phase, made with a Nikon d810, Nikon 80-200mm, manfrotto tripod and a solar filter. If you’d like to purchase a print, as always, shoot me a message. 📸

So much thanks to Ed and Zach Heaton for their work scouting and sharing their knowledge of the park with us. They’re great guys and they do workshops in the area (check them out!). Also a great big thanks to Ed, Zach, Jeremy , Emmet and Rob for the spectacular company! 😊