Tag Archives: vermont

Total Solar Eclipse 2024

10 Apr

If you’ve seen a post about the eclipse, you’ve heard people describe it as incredible, amazing, and once-in-a-lifetime. If TikTok and instagram recipe videos have taught me anything, it’s to be skeptical of someone saying “AMAZZZZZIIINNNGG” on the internet….but in this case, everyone is right. The experience was a special moment, made more special by sharing it with family this time around. If you have the time, the means, and the ability to travel, I fully encourage you to travel to the path of totality for a solar eclipse. It was 100% worth the effort both times I’ve done it.

Mosquito Cove :: VT

1 Dec
Mosquito Cove :: VT
Mosquito Cove :: VT

Sunset + Water = Swarms of mosquitos.




Good thing Vermont is so pretty, otherwise it’d be a ghost town in spring.


Oldie But Goodie :: VT

27 Jun

Slimer :: VT

28 Nov

No, there was not actual slime. Or ghosts. That I saw.

Happy cyber monday, y’all! See a photo you absolutely need to own? (Or one you vaguely like and think Aunt Bessie will cherish?) Send me a message and we’ll get it ordered and shipped in time for the holidays. ❤

Mellow Yellow :: VT

14 Nov

Mark this date on the calendar, folks. The day I finally edited a backlog of photos!

Enjoy this moody New England morning from the end of the summer. 🙂

Ribbons :: VT

17 Oct

“This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn, and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.” -John Muir

Trip Down Leafy Lane :: VT

9 Feb
Trip Down Leafy Lane :: VT
Trip Down Leafy Lane :: VT

A shot from the archives, when we went to Montreal and stopped to take foliage shots along the way. ❤

Warmer Days :: VT

22 Dec
Warmer Days :: VT

Pandemics make travel difficult, obviously, so I’ve been going through my archives looking at shots I either never edited, or didn’t *like* the edit on at the time. I actually can’t remember if I released this before. But if I did, I know I wasn’t happy with it. Finicky perfectionist artists, amiright?

Anyway, today I sat down to edit and felt excited as the image took shape. So, now I present to you…maybe again…a photo of boats!

Happy Thanksgiving!

26 Nov
Prismatic :: VT

(Above: One of my favorite photos taken last year, pre-covid, on a trip through VT to Montreal, CA)

Like most things American, this holiday comes with grim historical context. Colonization, at its core, is brutal and pretending otherwise does everyone a disservice. That said, I am not a historian and will not wax on about it, though I encourage you to research if you’re not familiar with the complexities of America’s past. However, what I can speak to is my experience with the holiday, and why it means so much to me.

I am not a “stuff” person, so holidays centered around capitalism are lost on me. I think commercialization takes away from the importance of what a holiday should be–a time to appreciate and celebrate your loved ones and a time to reflect on life. So Christmas is not my jam. (Sorrynotsorry!) But Thanksgiving?? Its a holiday where we are expected to EAT TOO MUCH and spend time with loved ones. And those are two things I excel at!

It’s also a time where people are encouraged to shift their perspective, and focus on the blessings in their lives, and I can definitely get behind that. 

So this year–despite it being 2020, the lost year–I would like to give thanks. My entire routine was upended and my anxiety, understandably, has been through the roof. But despite that, I find myself grateful. If I hadn’t been forced to stay home, I wouldn’t have learned to bake. I wouldn’t have worked with my brother to start a weekly video call for our extended family all over the country, and gotten to interact with my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandfather as much. I wouldn’t have taken up biking, which it turns out, is MUCH better for my knees than running. I wouldn’t have learned how much I enjoy photographing the birds at my bird feeder. I wouldn’t have focused on my garden, and in turn, realized how much better food can be when you start with fresh ingredients. In the grand scheme of things, these are little joys. But in a year with so much sadness, and anger, and fear, I’ll take what I can get.

This Thanksgiving is going to be different. We’re not having big family dinners, laughing all day together jammed into someone’s house–and that sucks. But I know I’m not alone in my situation. Many are sacrificing now to keep their loved ones safe, and I’m hopeful it pays off. Better days are on the horizon, and I’m looking forward to celebrating twice as hard together once its safe.

Many thanks to all of the people who have spared me a kind word and supported my creativity over the years. You’re the best. Stay safe and Happy Thanksgiving. ❤

Prismatic :: VT

3 Dec

Prismatic :: VT

There is nothing quite like fall in New England.  Now the leaves have fallen, and the days are getting colder, but I’ll cherish the memories of sunrise hikes above the hills of Vermont.

If you’re interested in prints this gift-giving season, let me know!  You can find a gallery’s worth of options here. You can contact me at seespotsphoto AT yahoo DOT com.  I’m offering 10% off if you purchase before the end of the day.  I’ll donate that same 10% to one of my favorite charities, Heifer International who works on reducing world poverty with sustainable agriculture and business practices.