Tag Archives: snow

Winter Wanderings :: CT

22 Feb
Winter Wanderings :: CT
Winter Wanderings :: CT

Thank goodness it finally snowed. I hadn’t touched my camera since November. lol This storm gave me a reason to pick it up.

Cold Snap :: CT

19 Jan
Cold Snap :: CT
Cold Snap :: CT

It being winter, and all, I figured I should post a photo of some snow. 🙂

Wonderland :: CT

20 Feb

Wonderland :: CT

Wonderland :: CT

“In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” -Albert Camus

Still Reflections, Winter’s Breath

22 Jan



It’s 6 degrees out, this morning.  We had some snow fall last night.  The roads are slippery and a bit dangerous…but the woods?  They’re perfect.

New England’s snowy skies rarely have much in the way of interest or detail, despite this being taken close to the end of the day.  There was no color, only leaden gray mixed with spots of white.  There were a few hints of yellow-brown on the trees, and some red silt at the edges of the water near the shallows…but rather than act as an accent, it seemed distracting.  I decided to black and white it.

The view, overall, is pretty standard for winter around here but the thing that attracted me to this particular scene is the solid reflection and the natural leading line it created from the corner of the frame.  Since I tend to be a symmetry person, I really wanted to wade into the center of the slow-moving winter stream and re-compose, but I didn’t have waterproof boots or waders.  Also, just outside of the frame where I would have stood, was a dangerous slippery spot that would have tumbled me down a little set of cascades.  haha  Hypothermia is a maybe, but ruining my camera is a definite no.

It’s Not You, It’s Me Blog-land!

8 Dec

I know I’ve been a bit of a slacker, lately!  I’m in the middle of portrait and wedding busy season, so on my end its edits, edits and more edits…none of which I can share. haha

Also on the calendar…today is New Haven, CT’s Help-Portrait event (I’m literally packing my camera and my typing at the same time…impressed?).  I’m super excited to get my good karma on today and help build some self-esteem and good memories in my community.  But…can’t share those photos either!

After this weekend, I’m scheduled to have a minor hand surgery (wish me luck, mmmkay?  I’m gonna need my fingers later to press the shutter button. haha)  I’m hoping that, while recovering, I will be able to (slowly, with one hand) post our street gallery from my co-hosted challenge with Will from WhereToWillie.  Look for that on Tuesday!

So, although I’ve been itching to get out and shoot somewhere, as you can see, it hasn’t happened in a little bit.  As soon as I do that, I will gladly share.  In the meantime, I’ll leave you with an oldie but goodie from last winter. 🙂

Dianas Pool CT

Happy weekend, friends!! XOXO